• Lexington County School District One expects our students to behave themselves in a way that does not harm or disrupt others. Students should not only abide by state and national laws, but they should follow all school and district rules and show respect to all staff and authority figures.

    Students are expected to follow all school and district rules when they are:

    • on school property;
    • at any school-sponsored event;
    • on a school bus or other district vehicle; and
    • any place where their conduct has a direct and immediate effect on the district.



    The district has laid out a full explanation of unacceptable behavior for students, which can be found, in full, in the Student Handbook. Additionally, each school may have its own list of rules that their students follow, which is provided to students and their parents at the beginning of the academic year.

    Some behaviors widely recognized as being unacceptable and warranting disciplinary action can include:

    • bullying
    • gang involvement
    • hazing
    • inappropriately using personal mobile computing devices
    • having or using tobacco products
    • threatening others
    • disturbing class or other school events


    Any student found in violation of the student code of conduct will receive disciplinary action. The level of discipline the student receives will depend directly on the severity of the offense. A description of disciplinary actions can also be found in the student handbook.


    If your student rides the bus to and from school, then he/she must also follow the rules of the bus and obey the bus driver. Most bus violations are disciplined using a point system, which apply only to school bus transportation and do not overlap with a school's demerit system. Please see the student handbook for a full explanation of bus rules and disciplinary action.


    Lexington District One has a districtwide telephone Tip Line, accessible online, by telephone or by email, for students, their parents or staff to report school safety concerns or the improper use of district resources. See more here.