River Bluff Math Department

  • The members of the River Bluff Math Department believe that all students can “Work Hard. Get Smart. Do Good.” The responsibility for achieving this goal is shared by students, teachers, and parents. Students will be held to high expectations regarding their leadership, the production of high quality work, participation in class, responsible use of time, and personal integrity. As we work to make and understand connections, students should develop an appreciation of mathematics as a coherent body of knowledge. We will guide and assist students as they learn to persevere in problem solving, reason abstractly, respectfully critique the reasoning of others, model with mathematics, use tools strategically, attend to precision, make use of patterns, and communicate mathematically. Using multiple learning strategies to personalize learning, students will participate in a variety of activities designed to help them become self-directed, collaborative, caring, and reflective learners; creative and pragmatic problem solvers; global thinkers; and effective communicators.

Meet Our Math Department

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