A Message From Our Director

  • Lexington County School District One strongly believes that learning is job one, and we strive to help you achieve your educational goals. There is no expiration date on seeking an education. However, we understand that getting additional education and certifications can sometimes be a challenge to balance with a busy schedule. That’s why we offer childcare services, night class options, and online courses.

    Whether you hope to attain a high school diploma, GED, or better your skills for employment, we’re here to help you.

    Lexington One offers a variety of courses and educational options. Regardless of which course you enroll in, we will be here to help coach, encourage, and explain the test and materials.

  •  Female smiling

    Learn how to get started with your GED!

    Ready to start? We are too! We know that as an adult you have many responsibilities, so we have morning and evening programs to make it easy for you to find a class that fits your busy schedule.

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  • Calendar

    South Carolina Works Workshop Calendar

    SC Works Midlands provides free workshops & learning opportunities in all 3 Centers. Topics include Job Searching Tips, Resume Preparation, Basic Computer Skills, and Careers Profile Sessions with leading local employers.

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  • The Family Center of Lexington One

    The Family Center serves families with preschool aged children that are zoned to attend one of our schools. Their goal is to empower parents to become their child's first and most influential teacher, leading to later school success.

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