• SIC 

    CLICK HERE  for more information about the South Carolina School Improvement Council.

  • 2024-2025 Council

    Teachers (Elected)

    TBA in August (Teacher)

    TBA in August (Teacher)

    Parents (Elected)

    Dr. Lisa Cookingham (Elected, Serving Year 2 of 2)

    Anna Fleming (Elected, Serving Year 2 of 2) 

    Vacant Seat (Election held in August) (Elected, Serving Year 1 of 2)


    Community Members (Appointed)

    Dr. Ryan Carlson (University of South Carolina & Lexington Resident)

    Doreena Lee (Director of Park North)

    Chandler Croker (!0:10 Bridge Afterschool Program Director)


    Ex-Officio Members

    Robert Candillo (Principal)

    Haley LaMarche (Teacher of the Year 2024-2025)

    Kristina Goff (PTA President)

    Officer Jen Klinsic (Lexington Police Department, School Resource Officer @ NPE)

  • annual report