If you bring your child to school in the morning and/or if you pick your child up from school at the end of the day, please read the information below.

  • Cars enter and exit our school from the front entrance on Rawl Road or Pisgah Church Road (for drop off in the mornings only). Students riding in cars may not be dropped off or picked up in the staff parking lot or in the parking lot near the trash dumpsters.

    Car rider arrival in the morning:  We let students into our building beginning at 7:00 a.m. each morning. One option: You may park in the parking lot and walk your child over to our school. We ask that you and your child go to the sidewalk in front of your car and walk over to our crosswalk. Please do not walk behind cars in the parking lot. Everyone should use the crosswalk when going to and from the parking lot.

    Another option: You may drop your child off by the curb in front of our school. The car must be by the curb. If you arrive at school before 7:00 a.m., please keep your child in the car until our doors open at 7:00 a.m. We will have staff members and Safety Patrol members to help students out of the car. No child should be left off in the left lane. The left lane is for cars that are moving on through our driveway.

    And another option: You may drop your child off at the back entrance (bus loop) from 7:15 – 7:25 a.m. only. After 7:25 a.m., students must be dropped off at the front of our school.  This option is for express drop off only – no parking. Again, drop off is by the curb only. Pull all the way to the end. Students should be ready to get out of the car to keep the line moving. From 7:15 – 7:25 a.m., all students should go into the building. After 7:25 a.m., students with classes in portables may go directly to the portables. Other students would enter the school building and go to their classrooms.

    Car rider at dismissal: Our school day ends at 2:20 p.m. All persons picking up a child must have a placard from PHES that shows the child’s name and grade level.

Traffic Plan 2022-2023