• Dress Code

    The following administrative rule on student dress will apply in all middle and high schools and will be administered uniformly throughout the district. 

    • No clothing or accessories are allowed to disrupt the educational process. 

    • District and school administration reserve the right to determine what is safe and appropriate for school dress.

    • Students are required to wear their district issued photographic identification badge or a sanctioned temporary badge as set forth in policy JICDBB-R.

    • Proper shoes must be worn at all times for safety reasons. 

    • Logos or clothing including head coverings that promote alcohol, drugs, tobacco, hate, gang affiliation, violence, nudity, or profanity is not allowed. 

    • Students of any body type/size may wear shorts, dresses, skirts, etc., whose length is no shorter than the mid-thigh. 

    • Tops must be long enough that they can be tucked into pants or shorts. 

    • Pants must be worn at the waistline. 

    • Students may wear special dress or costume for specific events or special occasions during the school day when approved by the principal. 

    • Religious clothing/headgear is permitted. 

    • The following items are not appropriate to be worn at school:

      • Hats, hoods, head coverings (religious head covering are permitted)

      • Undergarments that are visible

      • Pants or jeans with holes, tears, or tattered to the extent that skin or undergarments are visible above the mid-thigh

      • See-through garments showing skin or undergarments above the mid-thigh are not allowed 

      • Clothing or accessories that could pose a safety risk to the student or others.

      • No pajamas or pajama pants, unless on a designated “pajamas day.”

    If there is a disagreement between students and/or parents/legal guardians and the staff regarding the appropriateness of clothing, the administration will use discretion to make the decision. Disciplinary action regarding the enforcement of this policy is listed in Appendix A.