• Nurse Fink and Health Room Assistant Martinez

    When possible, please administer your student's medication at home (before or after school). However, when your student's medication must be given during the school day or if your student has emergency medications, please complete the district medication form.
    If your student's medication is a prescription, your student's provider will need to complete the form and a parent/guardian signature is required at the bottom. If your student's medication is not a prescription, there is no requirement by the provider to complete the form, the parent/guardian will simply complete it. Medications will not be accepted without a completed medication form.
    ALL medications are kept in the nurse's office, students are not allowed to carry medications. The medication must be in the original container and with a prescription label. 
    In order for a child to be admitted to any public school, 5-year-old Kindergarten through Grade 12, that child must have required immunizations. Follow these steps to make sure your child is ready for school.
    1. Schedule your child’s well visit/physical early before school starts. Spring or summer break is a great time to get this done so you won’t run into any delays once school begins.
    2. Ask your child’s healthcare provider what vaccines your child needs. Some vaccines are not required for school attendance but are highly recommended by physicians for all students. When every student receives an annual flu vaccine it protects schools from flu outbreaks. Adolescents also need the HPV vaccine to protect against cancers. Vaccines are also needed to protect against meningitis.
    3. Obtain a new South Carolina Certificate of Immunization every time your child has a shot.
    4. Give a copy of the new South Carolina Certificate of Immunization to your child’s school.

    Food Allergies:

    If your student has a food allergy, please make sure that the school nurse and cafeteria are aware. 


    We are excited about this school year and are looking forward to serving the students at LES!