  • Health Room Information

    School Nurse - Rebekah Bennett, RN


    Phone: (803) 821-0454


    In order for a child to be admitted to any public school, they must have certain vaccinations and immunizations as required by DHEC. Please review this document to verify that your child has the necessary immunizations for school attendance. If not, please call your child’s provider to ensure that those are scheduled before school begins. 

    Required Vaccinations and Immunizations


    Over the counter medications require only a parent signature. All prescription medications require a physician’s signature as well as a parent signature. All orders are good for one school year - from August to May. New orders must be completed every school year. Any remaining medications must be picked up at the end of the year or they will be destroyed - we are not allowed to store medications over the summer. All medications must be brought to the nurse in their original bottle/container and must not be expired. Please ensure that the prescription label on the bottle matches the order form completed by your provider. Please use the following links to print the forms you need: 

    Lexington 1 Medication Order Form 

    Lexington 1 Spanish Medication Order Form

    Medical History Forms:

    If your child has a history of allergies, please complete this history form

    If your child has a history of asthma, please complete this history form

    If your child has a history of seizures, please complete this history form

    If your child has food allergies, please also have your child’s medical provider also complete this form - Medical Statement to request special meals and/or accommodations