River Bluff High School

  • Center of Law and Global Policy DevelopmentThe Center for Law and Global Policy Development at River Bluff High School features a curriculum developed closely with area international policy and legal professionals to ensure that students' experiences are grounded in an understanding of the process involved in the creation of public policy, as well as the practical application of law.

    This curriculum is built around case studies involving social, environmental, and economic issues impacting citizens on the local, national, and international levels. In addition, students learn how to apply the technological skills needed to navigate the professional needs of policy creation/implementation and legal research/practice. The Center for Law and Global Policy Development has as its focus the understanding that public service is the aim of policy and legal professions.

    Students applying to the Center are recommended to have completed one world Language credit before entering the freshman year. The Center is open to all juniors and seniors in Lexington One. Students will spend a half-day within the Center each semester.



    Law & Global Policy Development Courses

    Interest Form

    Jacob Smith, Principal