Helpful Resources
A resource from NBC News’s Education Nation, the Parenting Guides, helps parents support their children’s growth in all areas, academic and otherwise. Resources such as videos, guides, and growth charts are focused on health and wellness; academic pursuits; and social and emotional development.
Erin’s Law
Section 59-32-20(B) of the South Carolina Code of Laws was amended June 2014 (H.4061, Act 293) after the passage of Erin's Law, named after childhood sexual assault survivor Erin Merryn.
The purpose of Erin's Law is to teach students how to stay safe, to tell if someone touches them inappropriately, to decide who will touch them, and what touches will be allowed or not allowed, and to learn what parts of their bodies are private and should not be touched.
This section of the law already requires school districts to have a Comprehensive Health Education program. The passage of Erin's Law added the requirement that districts annually provide age-appropriate instruction in sexual abuse and assault awareness and prevention to all students in 4-year-old kindergarten through grade 12.
Experts estimate that one in four girls and one in six boys have been sexually abused before their 18th birthday. In other words, a regular classroom could have between four to six students who have been violated in some way and who may never have had any information on inappropriate touches, what they are and that these touches are wrong.
In elementary schools, elementary school counselors will provide lessons aligned with the South Carolina Academic Standards for Health and Safety Education.
Lexington One used the guide provided by the South Carolina Department of Education as it selected its curriculum components, as well as the scope and sequence of instruction. Instructional units are not written as stand-alone units. Instead, each lesson builds on the previous lesson or lessons.
In third grade, students review information from kindergarten to second grade. In fifth grade, students review the information from third and fourth grades.
In middle schools, Erin’s law lessons are presented as part of the health curriculum.
In high schools, Pathways to Healing educators present Erin’s law lessons annually for 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades. Their educators are certified facilitators and approved by South Carolina. Their curriculum is peer reviewed and research-based.
Parents, of course, may review the course curriculum and lesson plans.
If you have any questions concerning Erin's Law, the course instruction or materials, please contact either your school counselor, the district's Coordinator for Science, Health, and Physical Education (803-821-1066) for middle school or School Counseling Director (803-821-1052) for elementary and high.