The South Carolina College– and Career–Ready Standards for Mathematics contain content standards that represent a balance of conceptual and procedural knowledge and skills and specify the mathematics that students are expected to learn in each grade level and high school course. The course sequences students follow in high school should be aligned with their intended career paths. Additionally, SCCCR Mathematical Process Standards describe the ways in which students will individually and collaboratively apply the mathematics in the content standards.
The content standards and the process standards work together to enable all students to develop the world–class knowledge, skills, and life and career characteristics identified in the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate. The process standards must be incorporated as an integral part of overall expectations for learning.
In order to ensure students are college– and career–ready and have a productive and confident approach to mathematics, curricular decisions are based on the needs of students, the SCCCR Content Standards for Mathematics, and the SCCCR Mathematical Process Standards. Since manipulatives and technology are integral to the development of mathematical understanding in all grade levels and courses, curriculum includes a variety of materials and technological tools to help students explore connections, make conjectures, formulate generalizations, draw conclusions, solve problems, and discover new mathematical ideas.